We welcome SCCBA members' participation in all facets of the Association's activities and work, including our various committees. Committees are created by the Board of Trustees to help facilitate our strategic plan and vision for our legal community.
For example, they may have oversight for ongoing programs, projects or initiatives of the Association, including the study of issues affecting the Bar, the practice of law, the administration of justice or the general welfare of the community. Committees may also coordinate events, seminars or continuing legal education programs or other special projects on behalf of the Board of Trustees
See the Committee roster below for a detailed description of their purposes. If you are interested in being appointed to one of our committees, please contact CEO & General Counsel, Sherry Diamond at
Appellate Courts
Reviews the procedural aspects of California appellate practice for the purpose of recommending legislative changes, as well as changes in the California Rules of Court. Monitors legislative proposals and studies by special committees which may affect California appellate practice. If you are interested in joining the Appellate Practice Committee, please contact Honorable Justice Mary Greenwood at or Sherry Diamond at
Civil Practice
Meets monthly with Bench Officers, court staff and civil litigators to discuss current and challenges facing the Bench and the Bar. Responds to proposed rule changes in Superior Court and provides input and assistance to the Bench on issues affecting civil practice and the efficient and timely management of ongoing court processes. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Civil Practice Committee, please contact 2022 Committee Chair Mark Shem at or Sherry Diamond at
Conference of Delegates
This Committee directs the drafting and study of resolutions proposed to the Conference of Delegates and serves as the Association's delegation to the Annual Conference of Delegates.
The Conference of Delegates is statewide organization of delegations represented by local and specialty bar associations endeavoring to refine and improve California law. The Conference of Delegates takes up issues within a variety of legal disciplines including family law, criminal, probate, real estate, labor, corporate law, as well as civil procedure and rules of court. Proposed changes submitted by delegations across the state are debated each fall at the annual conference. Resolutions approved by the Conference are then submitted to the California Legislature for enactment and become the subject of lobbying efforts by the Conference of Delegates' representatives.
SCCBA's delegation to the Conference of Delegates is an active and influential committee during deliberations. Many of our own proposals have become law. Joining SCCBA's delegation is a great way to serve the profession and the people of California while expanding your legal knowledge and getting to know other attorneys throughout the county and the state.
If you are interested in impacting current statutory law, please contact Chair Shiv Shastri at or Sherry Diamond at
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The work of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee touches all aspects of the Association's mission. The Committee seeks to identify and dismantle structural racism and oppression within the Association, the legal profession and the community by holding and round table conversations, brown bags and seminars in safe spaces, addressing all manifestations of oppression in an open and compassionate manner and engaging in inter and intra cultural humility. We do this by encouraging a lifelong dedication to increasing our awareness, knowledge, skills and discourse as we work to identify personal privilege, and develop a deeper understanding of our roles as persons of color, allies, and agents for change.The Committee further seeks to improve access by minority attorneys to opportunities within all areas of the legal profession and the Association and oversees the diversity initiatives approved by the Board of Trustees.
If Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our profession and our practice interests you, please contact Co-Chairs B J Fadem and Nicole Ford at and respectively to become a part of this work.
Federal Courts
Works with the Federal Bench on improving procedures, judicial facilities and other matters. Considers federal practice and procedures including civil, criminal, appellate, and local rules. The Federal Practice Committee often partners with the Federal Bar Association to provide MCLEs of particular interest to federal court practitioners. Please contact Mindy Morton at or Sherry Diamond at if joining this committee interests you.
Fee Arbitration
Oversees the arbitration of attorney-client fee disputes. Develops policy, rules, procedures and forms using guidelines set by the State Bar. Appoints arbitrators and serves as a resource for arbitrators and parties. The Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program is always in need of volunteer attorney and lay arbitrators. That's right: you need not be an attorney to become a lay fee arbitrator! If you would like to become a fee arbitrator, or would simply like more information, contact the Fee Arbitration Committee Chair, Charles Hellstrom at or our Fee Arbitration Coordinator Mary Gonzalez at for information and requirements.
Judiciary Committee
Responds to the Governor's requests to evaluate individuals under consideration for judicial appointment. Having met specific criteria, a separate application must be submitted for this Committee annually. All applications are subject to final approval of the President of the Board of Trustees. Contact Sherry at for more information. SCCBA strongly encourages attorneys of diverse racial, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual and gender identities, as well as attorneys with disabilities to apply.
Click here to see recent appointees through our Judiciary Committee process.
Judiciary Committee Criteria
The criteria to be eligible for consideration for appointment to the SCCBA Judiciary Committee include, but are not necessarily limited to, prior and current membership in the SCCBA and the following:
- Prior activity on one or more committees of the SCCBA and/or a showing of involvement in the SCCBA beyond mere payment of membership dues for at least one year;
- Adequate practice experience, preferably 7 years;
- Practice area, law firm and geographic diversity to be determined by considering the composition of the Judiciary Committee and the applicant pool as a whole at the time any appointment/s are being made;
- Lack of any conflict of interest with respect to the substantive work of the Judiciary Committee.
Lawyer Referral Service Committee
Pursuant to State Bar Association of California rules, our Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) maintains a small committee of members who oversee and develop policy and procedure for the operation of the Association's Lawyer Referral Service and Modest Means Programs. The LRS Committee also works with the CEO to address concerns raised about our LRS attorneys or processes. If you would be a part of this committee, contact Sherry Diamond at To become a panel attorney and receive referrals through this community service, please contact our Lawyer Referral Service Coordinator at for an application.